Obtaining health insurance can be a nightmare if you try to go it alone online, and some people find themselves fending off unwanted spam robo-calls for months after just trying to get some information about health insurance policy networks, coverages and costs. We have years of experience and know what the possibilities are and how claims are handled by various carriers. We can help you wade through the available policies on an individual or group basis and obtain the coverage you want and need. We are also well-versed about what’s required of employers and can help you fill in the knowledge gaps.

Medicare Supplemental (Medigap) and Medicare Advantage

Once you turn 65 you are automatically enrolled in Medicare if you’re on Social Security. If you’re still working, different rules apply and we can help. Each year that you have Medicare coverage there will be an Open Enrollment Period when you can change Medicare health plans and prescription drug coverage for the following year. Medicare health and drug plan providers make changes to their offerings each year, including changes to costs, coverage, and what pharmacies and providers are in their network. It’s your opportunity to make new choices and pick plans that work best for you, and we can help.

Call us at (866) 837-0999 for a no-obligation conversation about health insurance.